B A N D   L I N E U P ' S   S I N C E   1 9 7 3

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2018 - today

Cliff Williams (Bass)
Born on December 14, 1949 in Romford, England
Phil Rudd (Drums)
Born on May 19, 1954 in Melbourne, Australia
Angus Young (Guitar)
Born on March 31, 1955 in Glasgow, Scotland
Brian Johnson (Vocals)
Born on October 5, 1947 in Newcastle, England
Stevie Young (Guitar)
Born on December 11, 1956 in Glasgow, Scotland

2015 - 2018

Stevie Young (Guitar)
Born on December 11, 1956 in Glasgow, Scotland
Cliff Williams (Bass) 
Born on December 14, 1949 in Romford, England
Chris Slade (Drums)
Born on October 30, 1946 in Pontypridd, Wales
Angus Young (Guitar)
Born on March 31, 1955 in Glasgow, Scotland
Brian Johnson (Vocals)
Born on October 5, 1947 in Newcastle, England

1994 - 2014
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Born on January 6, 1953 in Glasgow, Scotland
Died on November 18, 2017 in Sydney, Australia
Phil Rudd (Drums)
Born on May 19, 1954 in Melbourne, Australia
Angus Young (Guitar)
Cliff Williams (Bass) 
Brian Johnson (Vocals)
1989 - 1994
Brian Johnson (Vocals)
Chris Slade (Drums)
Angus Young (Guitar)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Cliff Williams (Bass)
1983 - 1989
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Brian Johnson (Vocals)
Simon Wright (Drums)
Born on June 19, 1963 in Alden, England
Angus Young (Guitar)
Cliff Williams (Bass)

Stevie Young (Guitar)
play for Malcolm Young
throug the US - Tour May - Nov.1988

1980 (April) - 1983
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Cliff Williams (Bass)
Brian Johnson (Vocals)
Angus Young (Guitar)
Phil Rudd (Drums)
1977 (June) - 1980 (19.February)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Bon Scott (Vocals)
Died on February 19, 1980 in London, England
Angus Young (Guitar)
Phil Rudd (Drums)
Cliff Williams (Bass)
1975 (March) - 1977 (June)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Bon Scott (Vocals)
Angus Young (Guitar)
Mark Evans (Bass)
Born on March 2, 1956 in Melbourne, Australia
Phil Rudd (Drums)
1975 (January - March)
Bon Scott (Vocals)
Born on July 9, 1946 in Kirriemuir, Scotland
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Phil Rudd (Drums)
Angus Young (Guitar)

George Young (Bass)
Brother from Angus & Malcom and Producer
Play for recording and some concerts

1975 (January)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Phil Rudd (Drums)
Larry Van Kriedt (Bass)
Angus Young (Guitar)
Bon Scott (Vocals)
1974 (September) - 1975 (January)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Peter Clack (Drums)
Bon Scott (Vocals)
Rob Bailey (Bass)
Angus Young (Guitar)

George Young (Bass)
Brother from Angus & Malcom and Producer
Play for recording
Born on November 6, 1946 in Glasgow, Scotland
Died on October 22, 2017 in Sydney, Australia

Tony Currenti (Drums)
Play for recording
1974 (April - September)
Dave Evans (Vocals)
Born on July 20, 1953 in Carmarthen, Wales
Angus Young (Guitar)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Rob Bailey (Bass)
Peter Clack (Drums)

Dennis Laughlin (Vocals)
For a few gigs only

1974 (February - April)
Neil Smith (Bass)
Dave Evans (Vocals)
Malcolm Young (Guitar)
Angus Young (Guitar)
Peter Clack (Drums)
1973 (31.December) - 1974 (February)

Sorry, I have no picture from that time !

Have you an pic from
December 1973  to February 1974 ?

Please send me an mail to:

Malcolm Young (Guitar-Bass)
Angus Young (Guitar)
Dave Evans (Vocals)
Larry Van Kriedt (Bass)ax)
Colin Burgess (Drums)
Born on November 16, 1946
Died on December 16, 2023 in Sydney, Australia

George Young (Bass)
Born on November 6, 1946 in Glasgow, Scotland
Died on October 22, 2017 in Sydney, Australia
Brother from Angus & Malcom and Producer
Play for recording and one concert

A l l  p i c t u r e s  o n  t h i s  p a g e s  a r e  o n l y  f o r  p r i v a t e  u s e !
N o t  f o r   c o m m e r c i a l !

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